Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jataka & Mahasavaka

Hello again,

i promise this will be my last post for the day.. hehe :)
have you watch Pacific Rim? that was awesome!! wow!!

Back to my blog post, which is entirely were not connected at all with Pacific Rim.. sadly to watch that great movie just makes me wondering, when will i can make something at the same level of awesomeness..T__T

Okay.. focus.. here we go..
A little "some can call super" while ago.. I make illustrations for children book in Ehipassiko publication. The story is about Buddhism.. Each illustration has different story, and for the instruction they asked for a different style also. So here we are.. Jataka and Mahasavaka..

For more information about the book you can check this link

Andrew Shoes


Throwback a couple months ago my friend ask me to help him modelling a shoe for his exhibition. For a very tight deadline, i have to create this shoe from modelling until texturing it for finishing. There's actually 2 type of shoe and my boyfriend, Hendricho help me for the other type. And here it is.. the Andrew Shoes...

Ayahbunda_Rubrik makan


Lagi ngubrak-ngabrik folder ketemu ilustrasi ini. Dibuat untuk rubrik makan di majalah Ayahbunda. Rencananya bagian kosong itu untuk resep masakannya. Biar menarik di kasi ilustrasi adventure biar anak-anaknya tertarik makan.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

TVC__ VitaMomo Land

Hello again,

Jarang banget ya kayaknya masukin 3D stuff.
Ini salah satu TVC yang aku kerjain di Geppetto. Judulnya Vitamomo Land.
Bertugas bikin Island ibu, dari design concept, model, texture dan animasi. 
Ini salah satu WIPnya.

WIP_3D Island Ibu

Ini video  WIP-nya

WIP_Vitamomo "island ibu" animated from Pamela Suryadjaja on Vimeo.

dan ini link video untuk full TVCnya

VitaMomo Land from Andrea Rinaldy on Vimeo.



Inget ga buku RPSL dan RPAL yang dulu jaman SD jadi tugas sekolah tiap hari.
Hahaha.. bertahun-tahun kemudian dan voila.. dapet tawaran bikin covernya.. dan ini beberapa sketch awalnya.

Dari banyaknya revisi akhirnya, banyak yang dirombak abis.. *makin terbiasa ama yang namanya revisi* 
Akhirnya berikut ini yang terpilih.. jeng jeng jeng 



Yah kalau-kalau ada yang beli RPAL RPSL, moga-moga gara-gara covernya ya.. ;)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

TVC Morinaga_Concept Art

Hi, :) 

This is a concept design i did for a Morinaga tvc a little while ago.. they want to create an environment fit for their character Chila & Chilo. There are several design for different environment and different kind of jobs. For example the astronauts in outer space, architect in the city, or the soccer player in the field. Then i create the 3D based on this design, animate chila chilo dancing in this environment. I had a lot of fun doing this project.. hehe

And the last one, Robot design.. But the client change their mind about the robot, so this one is just for my blog.. ;)

Update for the 3D render TVC for morinaga